Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sale Notorized This Guy Has A House 4 Sale N Will Be Getting An Insurense Check To Finish Paying It Off.he Wants Me To Give?

This guy has a house 4 sale n will be getting an insurense check to finish paying it off.he wants me to give? - sale notorized

1000.oo in until the outstanding amount of 12,000. oo when they sign in the bank and pay the rent and then the deed of Me.Then Type trustworty But I do not believe burn, want to ". My question is, how can I get a written agreement with him, it would work notarized certified contract.

1 comment:

  1. So you know that you will rtuly owner and not let ourselves be fooled, get title to farm coverage and close to a title company with legal advice. I know it will add to the cost, but if not, you'll discover years later that you pay taxes and repair of someone elses property (and lose everything)

    The notary only that the person who is a sgre "doing nothing" more legal security or compulsory labor signs identifying "
